Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 11

Welcome to one of my favorite days of the week, Fabric Fun Thursday!  Next week I will, for sure (promise. cross my heart. and all that.) have a fabric goody to show you.  Let's take a look at some of last week's love-a-lies:  Vanessa at Southern in My Heart decorated her daughter's room in golds.  It is so scrumptiously beautiful. If you haven't gone over there to look at it, what are you waiting for?!

This is just one of her great uses of fabric - a faux window - isn't it fantastic!

If you're seriously organized and want to get a jump on Christmas decorating, get some inspiration from Michele, at Michele Made Me.  Just look what she did with jean seams.  You read that right, jean seams(!), with just some glue and a few bits and bobs.  Wouldn't this be a great craft day idea for teens?

Steph from Silly Precious Piggies made a fabric cootie catcher garland.  This is just fun on so many levels.  Kids will love it, adults will think it's fun, and it makes a pretty garland.
Jackie from I Design made these adorable little baby shoes - what fashionable cutie, wouldn't love these?
You talented ladies make this job so difficult (in a good way).  If you'd like to see more, take another look at last week's links as well as this week's.

Link up rules. Please be a sweetheart and...

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)

2. Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun.  If I can't find a reference to FFT I'll have to delete your entry--please don't make me hunt all over for it, if I can't find it, others will not be able to either.  I really hate to do this!

3.  Please no direct Etsy or store links.  If you are showing us how to do something, then putting it in your store, that's fine.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  We all do, so please visit as many of the other links as you can.  You'll be glad you did--there is so much talent out there.


  1. Thanks so much Kim for the feature! Can't wait to see what everyone has created this week!

  2. Hi Kim, I am new to your blog and Fabric Fun Thursday. This blog party seems to be a lot of fun. I am participating for the first time.

  3. Oh Kim! I just logged onto my computer and saw your blog pop up on my sidebar and did a double take when I saw my daughter's room! Thank you so much for the feature and your sweet comments too! It was very gracious of you to include me and I appreciate it more than you could know!

  4. I must have missed this meme somehow, but so glad I saw it!! I'm a fabric junkie so I'm definitely in the right place!! Can't wait to see everything!!

  5. Great party! I am your newest follower.
    Have a great day!
    Bonnie :)

  6. Those baby shoes are darling - I'm off to have a closer look! Stopping by from SITS :-)

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog and the invitation to the party. This is my first visit and it looks like a lot of fun.... so many cute ideas.

  8. I seriously adore the jean seam trees. Now I wish I hadn't tossed the remains when I made the jean blanket.

  9. So many cute ideas! I just love those jean seam trees!!!


  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog today Kim, and thanks as always for hosting a great party. I love checking your blog for great ideas and inspiration.

  11. Ooppps... I really messed up. I posted this yesterday and now looking at the items posed I see that it says it's for material. I tried to delete my post... but I can't. Will you please delete it for me and I will read more carefully in the future. Thank you! Vicki


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim