Monday, March 15, 2010

Building a Basket Tree


Well I hope I'm not hangin' out all by myself on Basket Dayz this week.  If you have or see any cute basket projects or displays send them my way!  Any kind of basket qualifies - wire, glass, shopping, fabric, and of course, Easter...

I wanted to sew something this week for one of my baskets, but I just didn't have the time.  As a matter of fact I was gone all morning and didn't have this post or dinner planned.  (The only meat that I can think of to hurry up and cook is ground beef, so I'm making picadillo, in case you were worried.)  But before that, let's put together a basket tree.  Okay, I'm making up names again...
Start out with two or more baskets in graduated sizes:

Scrounge around for silk plants you have tucked away.  If you have water proof containers, feel free to use fresh flowers.  My baskets have plastic protectors, so I could use oasis and real flowers.

Look for some "lifts" to hold up your tree layers.  I had some graduated boxes stashed away that I used, but even cans from your pantry would work.  Stack up your baskets.

Start stuffing your flowers and greens in.  Space them out to a pleasing arrangement.

I had two big bunches of a variety of flowers and greens, so I cut them all apart with my pliers and put individual stems in.

There were not enough flowers to make the top basket solid floral, so I put a large pillar candle in the middle.  (I'm assuming it wouldn't be all that safe to light in this situation.)

I thought I'd pull out a few Easter decorations to see how I liked everything together.
I'm not super loving the Easter items in front of this arrangement.  I think me needs some egg picks - don't you???
~Don't forget the Giveaway! 

Please link up your basket projects - I'm lonely!

1.  Link your exact post, not the general url to your blog.
2.  Please place my button or blog name with your post.
3.  You get two additional giveaway entries when you link up.


  1. I would come to your party but I don't have any baskets :(
    Do wire baskets count ?

  2. I just love this! So fresh and colorful and fun.

  3. I love this, I have never seen anything like it! good job!

  4. This is such a creative idea! Thanks for sharing it!

  5. PS- I don't have a basket post to link up, but I just saw this post about Easter baskets that fits with your party theme:

  6. This is such a cute way to display baskets. It would make a great centerpiece for Easter or even a casual shower. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I just happened across your blog and so wish I had a post to link up to your adorable basket party!! I am off to sign up for your ever so cute giveaway.

    Have a wonderful week! :o)

  8. I think this is just the cutest idea! Thanks for showing us!


  9. Love love love this! It looks fabulous! The green and white are so refreshing for spring!

  10. Love the basket!!! So Clever are you!!! I was planning on doing something very similar outside with my flower pots. I think this actually looks better though. I'll let you know how it turns out, if I do it outside. I was going to use ivy, flowers, and hostas.

    Off the subject -- Do you know how to put more space between the left gadget column and the main post column?

    Sorry to bring up this topic, but I've been up all night on this, even though it really wasn't hard, but I just can't get the spacing right. My stomach is also growling.

    Sorry I went off topic, but I tried to do a respond email and it didn't go through.

    You know I wish I had baskets so that I could play at your party.

    I hope you have a fun party!

  11. Thank you for the offer to help me fix my blog layout. I did a lot of investigating today and found the answers that I needed and fixed it myself (and I'm feeling proud because I learned a few things).

    So, Sweet Kim, I'm going to have to go out and buy some baskets or else you're going to have to change the theme of this party (haha).


  12. So pretty! If I had any basket projects, I would definitely link up.

  13. Oh now this is absolutely so clever and I love the look. Your vignette with the eggs and the bunny is just total Easter and spring. I will definitely have to remember this. What a fabulous idea. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty

  14. I love that graduated basket! very clever!
    thanks for visiting and commenting on my jute balls made out of kid's balls!
    hope you're having a good week!

  15. How clever! That's a great way to use and display nesting baskets.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  16. Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great day!!!

  17. This looks so beautiful! I love how colorful and inviting everything looks! I have a basket to post for the party! =)

  18. I love your idea, so simple but it really looks cute! Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. Bonjour Kim,

    I love your blog. Where do you find the time to do it all? Decorating tips, blogging tips, etc..and you are funny on top of it all. I'm passing by from SITS. I will be back to go to my next tutorial on buttons and other life mysteries in the blogging world. I have 2 big kids too but they dont have a minute for me. I'm just good for cleaning or cooking. LOL

  20. So got my wheels turning!!
    ~Bridgette {allthingzrelated}

  21. What a great idea and lovely centerpiece! I like how it looks with the candle at the top, I wouldn't change a thing. The bunny is cute too!

  22. I love this - there are so many ways you could do this project and it would always make a great centerpiece!!

  23. What a creative way to stack your baskets and create a great centerpiece! I would have never thought of it - great idea.


  24. I haven't been out on the blogs much at all lately :( but I hope to again soon. I am coming back to you with a favor to ask! lol...

    I'm trying to win a party contest and would love your help! Would you go here:

    and leave a comment at the end of the article? Your comment will give me a vote. Thanks so much! I appreciate it lots. <3

    And Kim!! This basket arrangement is amazing! I'm loving it. I have never seen anything like it. How perfect. I really want to try it. You know I'm a longaberger fan too. ;) Yours turned out so beautiful.

  25. Kim,
    Your basket tree is beautiful! What a great idea.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and the nice comment!

  26. Wow! I have those 3 baskets and keep them stacked with the lids on top and never really liked the look BUT I love the look of them stacked the way you did it! Thanks, I'll be doing that now. :)

  27. Hi,, i just found your blog today,, i'm a basket freak, they always catch my eye everywhere i go,, i love how you did this tree.. cant wait to try it.

  28. I love this! How creative you are to use baskets in this way! Very springy and I am sure it makes you happy every time you walk by it!

  29. What a cute Easter arrangement! Come stop by my Favorite Things Friday Party if you would like to join in!

  30. This turned out great!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft On Thursday at Life As Lori... Please join me next week for another great party!

  31. Ooh, this is so pretty and makes me yearn for (consisitent) spring! passed by from the shabby chic glad I did! -shaunna :)

  32. This is so pretty! I just love it. Congrats at being featured for this at Blue Cricket Design. I will be here this week and next week with a Easter basket redo. I have your Basket Dayz button in my sidebar. See you soon!

  33. Thanks Kim – I’m glad I could join you! Your basket is simply gorgeous! So inspiring – I need to keep my eye out for some round baskets that would work!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Happy Spring!

    Stephanie Lynn

  34. I just wanted to share that I was so excited by this idea that I went on the hunt for some baskets and found some that would work. I've been looking for flowers and finally found some today, so I could work on this project. If you'd like to take a peek at how mine came out you can check here:

    Thank you SO much for the inspiration!!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Absolutely loved it, Great idea for the coming spring..Thanks!

  37. Absolutely creativity... very cute one...
    I would love to link up but I dont have any basket project hope soon I have:)... I am going to follow you
    Happy spring time
    Hope you like to pay a visit to my new spring arrangement saved in a cloche


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim