Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blog Tips No. 1 - Text Box

Oops, not that kind of text box!  I'm talking about the little box of code you see under a button on many blogs.  I spent hours trying to figure this out.  Then I went back to a simple website Healthy Chick told me about some time ago ( and it was right there.  Arggh!

First you need a little button.  I'll use the one I made for last week's post:

Load your button to photobucket (or other online software) to get the html code.  Copy the html code.  ADD an html gadget pasting your photo code.  You will resize your photo either in the photo editing program before this step or like we did last week in the Resizing Buttons post.  While you are still in gadget edit mode on the menu bar select Rich Text, you will see your photo.  Select Link from the menu and either copy and paste or type your blog url into that.  Now select Edit HTML from your menu bar - you will see all of your code.  Directly underneath that code, type 

<textarea rows=# cols=#> TEXT GOES HERE </textarea>

The spot that says "TEXT GOES HERE" you will copy and paste the code directly to that spot.  It will look something like this:
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Photobucket" border="0" height="145," width="165," /></a><textarea rows="5" cols="20"><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Photobucket" border="0" height="145," width="165," /></a></center></textarea></center>

There you have it!  This will save your co-blogger from reinventing the wheel if she wants to copy your button to her blog.   If you don't do this, every blogger will have to do it individually.  {!}  I do it, but it's a big pain in the bumpkiss!  This particular tip was such a big deal to me - please let me know if you use this so I can come and take a look.  Happy blogging!  Oh, by the way, do you like the chandelier button better?  The photo is from my master bathroom.

Blog Tips 2 - Resizing Buttons
Blog Tips 3A- Adding your signature and adding your post to MckLinky parties.
Blog Tips 3 - Removing the Lines From Around Your Header
Blog Tips 4 - Networking with Facebook and Networked Blogs
And if you want more comments, don't forget to turn off those word verifications!


  1. Thank you for all the tips! I have already used many because I have no knowledge of the blog "stuff" & html.

  2. Hey Kim. one thing.... photobucket gives ya a bunch of different html's, which one do I choose? I have buttons with the codes under them, but, sadly, I've had other people do it for me! LOL btw, I love the button with the chandilier!!!

    be sweet

  3. I am not sure I am ready for a button of my own yet but I am adding your post to a file I keep under favorites for "Blog Improvement". Thanks so much for sharing, your tips are really a big help.

  4. Great suggestions and instructions, Kim! I really love the one that removes the lines from the header -- mine looks so much better. Any suggestions on how to turn a 2-column blog into a 3-column blog? I also like the post you did sometime back on Facebook and Twitter. I'm going to bookmark that one. Thanks for help us improve our blogs (and it really does help!)...and I just saw my button on the side. What a doll you are!

  5. Very useful post. I was just wondering how to do that!

  6. Kim Thank Goodness that you leave this tutorial up. I needed to use it again and it's the ONLY one that I can understand. I would like to make my box more narrow to fit in the area I have allotted for it -- any suggestions! You are a genius!

  7. AGAIN -- You've saved me. I made another button. NEVER EVER GET RID OF THIS TUTORIAL!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim