Friday, March 12, 2010

A Bit of Easter-fying

As you may have guessed, I've been busy this week getting work going with a new client.  Unfortunately, I been ignoring my bloggy buddies.  I have had a chance to do just a little tweeking of my hutch for Easter.

These eggs are fill-able.  They are cardboard or paper maché.  I bought one last year for $1.99 because I really wanted to fill one up with treats for a friend.  This year shortly after the Christmas holidays, Tuesday Morning put the same eggs back on the shelf again, but clearanced priced for 69¢!

My cute eggs you've seen before--on the reverse side of the letters is either a flower or butterfly.  In this picture, I am not advertising the ING insurance group - no! - I have them lined up to say S I N G.

My thrift store bird checking out my bow-tying skills.  I added a springy bow to my basket canister.  Ribbons, bows, tassels are decorating friends for sure!

I forgot to show you my darling Beatrix Potter container I picked up at the thrift store - so cute and Easter-y and I didn't have to do a single thing to it.  Do you think it was originally for a baby's room?  I chopped up an old orchid arrangement I wasn't using anymore to fill it.

I'll see you all tomorrow for my final post in the series on blogging tip.  Linking up with:


  1. It's that time again isn't it ? My son had those dishes when he was little. So sweet.

  2. Your Easter decorations are adorable! I love the Beatrix Potter container! ~Marcy

  3. Kim, you have a great assortment of eggs and I love the beatrix potter thrift find.

  4. Love every bit - So Spring-y! The eggs are amazing and the Beatrix Potter container..what a FABULOUS find!

  5. Hi Kim
    Just wanted you to know I got your email and tried several times today to email you back and it keeps coming back undeliverable. Is your server down? I just reply back to you and it didn't go and then I actually typed in your address and it still wont work. Let me know if you have another email you want it sent to.

  6. Wow I like your headstart approach to Easter! Very pretty:)

  7. Wow, how wonderful I love Easter...the candy, Easter dinner, the hope and renewal.

  8. So cute! I love the last one it reminds me of being a kid...excited for Easter :)

  9. Your ING comment is cracking me up! LOL! Very pretty displays. I love those eggs!

  10. Hey! Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog! I had to come right over and check out your Longaberger! What a cute site you have - I will be back!

  11. I am digging around and cannot find any easter in my house whatsoever! Guess I feel a trip to GW coming on. I LOVE everything you did, can you just send me yours? Karyn

  12. Cute Easter decorations! Love all the colors.

  13. following from SIITS great blog

  14. Beautiful! Love Easter time!

    Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

  15. Luv those CUTE spring eggs...soooo CUTE!



Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim