Thursday, February 4, 2010

White Skull Cuckoo

Doesn't everyone need one of these?  
I have been sick all week, so I have not been feeling up to being on the computer much.  Needless to say, my blog plans for the week have been blown out of the water.  Poor me.  

Since I have finally hoisted myself off the couch, I thought I would buy myself some time share - what else - some cool NYT Homes decorating inspiration.  The skull and cross will not be for everyone, but how fresh does this clock look doused in white paint?  Ideas, anyone?

I just love updated classics.  What do you think about these collectible, Staffordshire ceramic dogs?  I wish I had a set, updated in little doggy sweaters or not. 

I plan to back in the blogging saddle soon!  I hope you all are feeling better than I am.
 (images from NYT Home section 2/4/10)


  1. I hope you get to feeling better soon! Take good care of yourself and come back to us soon! (that clock is c-r-a-z-y!)lol!

  2. That is a very creative cuckoo ! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. OOOH I love that clock!! I like adding a bit of rocker into my style!

  4. Oh I actually really like that clock!! I like things that are a little different!
    Hope you are feeling better soon! Happy SITS Saturday!


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