Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Got Handle? Dining Chairs

I know many of you are fab, creative, DIYers.  That's why I couldn't resist scanning the latest edition of Traditional Home so you could get a "handle" on these chairs!  What a darling, inexpensive way to add a little dining bling.

I'll be hitting the road (again!) tomorrow, although this time for fun.  I will be on a retreat with the Florida Worship choir in Daytona Beach - I know - someone's gotta do it, right?  A close friend and I are driving and rooming together.  You know what that means, a lot of laughing and silliness.  I don't want to minimize the singing that is both work and fun.  This year we are singing with the men the entire season because we are doing a recording next month.  If you are ever in Florida and hear about us coming to or near your town, please plan on attending our concert.  They're free!  We're a totally volunteer choir.  There are supposed to be approx. 370 attendees tomorrow.  Lot's of chaotic fun!  Did I say "fun" enough?  You get the idea.  (Photo from the website.)


  1. OH my those chairs! I want them soooo bad now that I've seen them! How fun!

    Also, enjoy your trip - some fun with a friend sounds divine right about now :)

  2. Oh man, how FUN are those chairs??!!! Good luck with your concert, sounds like a great time!!


  3. Wow! That's some choir! Have a great time!
    and oooooh those chairs! That is so neat!

  4. Love the chairs! Have fun with the choir, sounds like a good time!!!!

  5. Love the handles on the chairs. I wonder if they would be uncomfortable?


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