Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Basket Therapy II

Remember last week's basket therapy? I have a new one today. Truth be told, I procrastinated a lot with this one because I was making it up as I went along - well I do that much most of the time, but this one was giving me a little more trouble.


Since I am still using drop cloth fabric, because of its weight, I need a little more give at the corners.  I sewed double strands of the jute for tying - next time I'm going to use single strands so the tie isn't so bulky.  Do you see a pattern here?  Bulk is bad!



My basket therapy continues.  See?

A piece of toile has crept into the picture!

I guess it will be more:
See Above

How are you doing on your New Year's projects?
*Edited to add*  I am linking to:
Take a look at the other links at Somewhat Simple!


  1. Kim...I think you could sell these...they are soooo STINKIN CUTE! Hope youhave a FUN Wednesday!


  2. Very cute work. I love the pleats. It really dresser up the basket. Your comment on my blog about calling your son was so funny. If you have the "hook up" with an artist, why not give him a call?

  3. Too cute. OR you could just make your tie out of drop cloth too.... just a thought. I like the white look I guess. LOL

  4. That is a beautiful basket! I really need to try a drop cloth project!

    On a side note, thank you SO much for your comment on my dilemma. It was the most helpful for sure. I'm not sure how the ribbon would work with there being four separate black curtains on the big window. Maybe I could take them to my mom's house and sew them together so there are two panels? I could put the sheers behind the black ones for added privacy when they are open (and pull them to the outsides like you suggested for the smaller windows - I love that idea too!).

  5. I'm following - I need CHEAP chic a lot right now!

  6. I adore basket liners! Yours turned out too darling! Love the ruffle!


  7. I am getting ready to re-do some baskets of mine and I would love a tutorial on how to sew this lining! I am sewing-challenged!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim