Monday, December 7, 2009

Bathroom and Family Room Update

The Christmas work progresses at Cabby's house. This is what got done on Saturday.
The "before" mirror is a frameless one sitting on the counter.

It was replaced by the mirror I painted silver, then top coated with white. If you look closely you can see the scuff marks.

This is the shower "before".

The custom shower curtain installed! The clear liner needs to be replaced with a white one so the pattern on the fabric shows up better.

In the following shots, you can see the newly installed towel bars.

Her bead board and mirror are white, but the fixtures are almond. I am going to try to find a accessory or two that will "marry" these colors. I'm thinking I'll find something "chippy" that goes along with the garden theme.

The curtain rod and draperies that I made for her were installed. (You've seen this fabric already in a previous post.) The chic pleats are made with a hidden tab.

I really tried to get decent pictures. It was overcast all day, plus it was starting to get dark out. I don't know how it looks so light outside in these shots.

You can see that the ceiling color is very close (okay it looks the same here) to the wall color. Her ceilings are not very high.
When the ceiling was white (after the popcorn was scraped off), it forced your eye to stop. With a continuous color, your eye keeps flowing smoothly around the room, giving the illusion of more space.

I don't know why I didn't make the panels taller! Oh well, I have more fabric. They can be changed after the holidays if they bug us.

I'm linking to Between Naps on the Porch. Please check out all of the other wonderful ladies' ideas there!


  1. Kim - Thanks for your comment. We didn't make it to the performances yesterday. My cousin took a bunch of us cousins to the Columbia after church. Of course, I had to have the 1905 Salad!!!!! and I'm such a wimp, I ordered cafe con leche; more leche than cafe! LOL

  2. Hey Kim, Love your redo's! I really like your new frame around your bathroom mirror...I need to do that! Those new curtains look great too, great job!

    Jane @ Finding fabulous

  3. Honey, I made your Sliver Clock and I LOVE it! Thanks for such a fabulous idea and forgive me if I already commented about it (holiday shopping has made me lose my mind - lol!) But I did want to send a BIG thank you your way! =)

  4. Nice--I don't know how you managed to take pics --it is hard taking pictures of bathrooms!! Nice mirror.

  5. ooops I spelled my url thingy wrong

  6. The mirror looks so much better! I love how the framed mirror looks compared to the builder standard huge sheet of mirror. Nice work!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim