Friday, September 11, 2009

Drapery Puddling

It sounds kind of like I'm trying to house train a puppy! That is not the case, however. The question is whether or not draperies should be puddled on the floor. I love fabric, so if I have a reason to have extra of it in a room, I say, "Yea!" I have had to rethink some of my love of puddling. In the South we have lots of tile flooring. Taking a look at the above example, it is a "DO!" If your panels are mostly cottony fabric, they will act like a dust mop on those hard floors, so keeping them just skimming the surface is best. (Note: If you have carpet everywhere, you can do what you like. Lucky you!) In my next posts, I'll be looking at some other "don'ts & dos", stay tuned...

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