Monday, September 14, 2009

Drapery Puddling, Do's & Don'ts

The above left puddle is a little bit more of a "don't". This is a fabric that is really in a dust up with the tile. The other two photos are "do's". If your room lends itself to extra formality, lushness or luxury, go for it! The "do" fabric is also a poly, so it will not hang on to dust bunnies, although you still may get a small community of them lurking underneath. :)
GOOD NEWS on the stair rail front: Son came home (from college) for the weekend and noticed the old spray paint wasn't coming off on his hand anymore!


  1. I'm not sure I'm sophisticated enough to puddle my drapes, but my grandmother sure was. Someday I'll have a room that lends itself to puddling, but for now, I'm a noon-puddler by nature!

  2. I have a puddle question. When you puddle do you have to tie them back?

  3. When you puddle, do you have to tie them back, or can you just let them hang and puddle the full width of the window?

  4. To Kjays - I tried to email you, but could not get to an address. You do not have to tie them back. I haven't puddled them the full width of a window because I generally have something in between, i.e., sheers, blinds.


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