Saturday, September 26, 2009

Free Drapery Holders!?

*Edited to take part in*
Take a look at all of the other Fabulous ideas there!

Well, technically, these may not be "free", but don't most of us have these mug racks around the house from who-knows-when, or where? Look what you can do with simple mug-hook racks! This four hook set was sold primarily for coffee mugs. I simply hung the hooks

above the window frame

Then, I used rings that already had the clips on them and clipped them to a standard pre-made drapery panel.

You could do this with any piece of fabric, for instance a piece right from the bolt, an old tablecloth, a quilt.

The panel shown is approximately 45" wide. Even though there are four hooks, I used five rings because of the width of the fabric. It seemed to work better. (The white spot is on the photo only!)

you can eye those hook racks that are around your home, maybe hiding in the back of the closet, or stuck in the laundry a new light!

There are all kinds of styles...

The next time you go to your local thrift store or garage sale--

Happy hook hunting!

One note of caution: In the first pics, the hook rack is curved. I leveled the holes on the wall, and when I went to screw it in, it was crooked! Ha ha! The joke was on me! The moral is: Beware of wavy hook racks :)

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

This post also appeared on DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land.



  1. Kim- the hooks as drapery holders is SO COOL! Love that! What a fun, great and unique look!

  2. I have many of these! Now the ideas are rolling...THANKS!

  3. Now THIS is a creative idea! And it looks so good! Way to go. :)

  4. Very thinkin' outside the box, girl! That is cool!

    I do adore hooks. I have them littered in my bathroom and front entry. Impossible to have enough!!

    Thanks for joining the party!

    Funky Junk Donna

  5. Me again cuz you linked this again. :) Throw in another if you like so we can check out something new too!

    FJ Donna

  6. Great idea...I love unconventional ways to hang curtains. I've got about a bazillion of those kind of hooky things 'round here...

  7. Hi Kim...

    Wow...what a grand idea...I love it!!! I would have never thought to use a decorative hook piece for a drapery rod but it worked out perfectly and really is beautiful...unique...and I love that!!! Thanks for sharing your creativity and talents with us!!! I'm definitely comitting this idea to memory!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  8. I am lovin' this simple's so creative! My favorite kind of decorating project. Using something for one thing, and then repurposing it for another! I'll never look at a set of hooks the same way again! Thanks for linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim