Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Home 2012

Hi all!  I wanted to pop in and show you my Christmas decor this year.  I'm really rusty at posts, so please bare with me.  I'm adding blues to my living room, so it's looking nice and fresh to me.

I almost, almost, donated the Santa to the thrift store.  The wreath is just refaced with blues and Martha Stewart owls--Tip:  The ribbon was from florals, not the Christmas section at JoAnns.

You have not seen this trumeau.  It's done in chalk paint, and although it's been up since summer time, I haven't waxed it yet--oy!

One of my favorite new aquisitions, a jewelry holder from Target, festooned to resemble a Christmas tree.

Similar to what I've had here in the past--another NEWBIE--dark brown paint on the wall.  Vintage ornaments from the thrift store are in the glass vase.

Although, homemade tool boxes are all the rage, I broke down and purchased one (I know, "Gasp!", right?) from Home Goods.

For those of you who have hung out here before, you may notice that we've moved into the family room area.  This is my favorite new display this year--ornaments in  BIRD CAGE!  I got this idea either from a magazine or online this year, I forget.

This area suffered a little since I was getting ready for a party and ran out of time--there is now an oversized bow draping the boxes.  I'm going to make a note to make up wrapped gifts for the sleight next year.  This sleigh has been tucked away for who-knows-how-long? in a box in the garage marked "linen closet" that I opened up this summer to see what on earth was in it.  It was all Christmas decor.  The deer were a new purchase from Lowes.

I just love this little set up. I was going to give the sleigh basket away as a door prize, but found this little deer at Home Goods and used oversized candy canes for the runners.

I didn't mean for this post to be an ongoing commericial for Christmas products--I just wanted to let you in on my freshening up of the house.  Coming next...

This is a sneak-peek of my tree topper (hint:  Made from a sliced off oatmeal canister!).  The tree has been redone in blues, and since I didn't want to spend much, I hand made almost all of the ornaments.  I'm really excited to share one, in particular, with you, as I think you'll be able to use it for your own homes in the future.  Another hint:  I used the last of the coffee sack I won from Marty long ago!


  1. Hi Kim! Great to see your post today! : ) Your Christmas decor is looking beautiful. I love both those mirrors you have up. I have so much stuff I didn't use this year {or last year}, so a purge is planned for January and donations will be made!

  2. Kim, You look like you are all ready and beautifully decorated for Christmas!!! What a fun tour!

  3. Your decorations are so pretty. I love the blue wreath.


  4. Welcome back, I love the blue color, I am falling in love with it trying to figure how to work it into my pinks! I can't wait to see what you do with an oatmeal container!?


  5. Hi Kim, loving the blues in your lR, I'm adding the same ones! Your Christmas decor is beautiful! And glad to "see" you! :)

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  7. ♥ the use of the ornaments in the bird cage. Hope your holidays were all you hoped for!

  8. Beautiful Blog!

    Have a Blessed Day...

    Jayma @


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim