Monday, March 14, 2011

Instantly Thinner Photo Tip

Boy, when you see a post title like that, things get interesting!  To what am I referring?  A couple of weeks ago I was feelin' cute--you know what I mean--I had just done my hair and makeup and was heading out to Bible study and thought I'd snap a few photos of my cuteness.  (Okay, that sounds really vain.)  (Sorry for the yellow-y-ness of the photo.)

Of course I wanted to do some cropping and tweaking, enter Picnik.  I don't always use that program but they have a great "matte" option that helps with all of the, gulp, wrinkles.  Lo and beholden, I discovered they also have "Insta Thin."  I tried that option out!

How to?  Start at the screen and upload your photo.

Next, under the Create tab, choose Effects, Matte

Finally, use Touch Up, Insta Thin (admittedly, no one in this photo needs insta thin, it was just the first one I grabbed).

It's subtle and I likey!  Now this part is vanity!  Let me know if you try it!  No, I haven't tried it with a full-body shot.


  1. Kim and insta-thin I LOVE U......


  2. You are a very beautiful woman with a heart of gold. You never needed "insta-thin".
    I worked for Bobbi Brown Cosmetics for years, I know what I am talking about!

  3. Do you think it would work on my thighs too? LOL! You look gorgeous is every single picture Kim...before and after! :-)

  4. IT WORKED, and unlike you I needed it. Thanks for the tip.

    Have a God Filled Day

  5. What a neat treat. I had never noticed that option but I will now look for it. I also like the angle that you used to take the photo. Which by the way is a great photo with or without the "thinner" button.

  6. I think you took a great photo. You should so link this to my portrait party that started tonight. I like your tutorial and I think Picnik is awesome.

  7. Well that is just "good to know" info right there! thank you for sharing...and you look beautiful in both pictures!

  8. I can think of several pictures I'd like to try this on! You look adorable! Even before I read the post I thought..."doesn't she look cute!" I like this trick! Thanks for showing us how! (You're so good at that!)

  9. Yes, this title grabbed my attention! ;) You look SO pretty in the before and in the after.

  10. Thanks for the tip. I wish real life had an insta slim button!

  11. You look great in both pictures! You look as bubbly and happy as you write.

  12. I love it! I will definitely try! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Hi Kim and yes, you're full of cuteness - inside and out! What a trick and I do need this! :)
    You're so smart as well as cute!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. That's a great tip. It's very subtle. I could use it full body! You took some really cute self portraits!

  15. Great tip! I use that program all of the time.

    I'd love it if it shaves off what my old lady attempt at kickboxing has failed to. :o) I am afraid I am looking my age.

  16. ha, ha - I just LOVE LOVE photoshopping (or other photo manipulation) I saw a "get thinner" button on my stuff too. It's like I can create a whole new ME!

  17. You look GORGEOUS and do not need insta-thin...but I do love that option in Picnik! I need to apply it to my rear end!!

    Great picture! Love your hair!

    Lou Cinda :)

  18. Beautiful photograph! I wish I could "push a button" to take care of sooo many things! :)
    Have a great weekend!

  19. I love Picnik! And yes, I HAVE tried it on a full body shot and it's subtle but nice :).

  20. I have always wanted to do a little nip and tuck with some photos of mine. You look spectacular in every photo!

  21. You look great, and now I don't need to lose weight, ha, ha, thanks for the tip.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim