Monday, February 14, 2011

Romance Redo

I wanted to get in another tablescape using my toile runner by Valentine's day, so it's now or never.

Here are some rearranged elements.  You've seen most of them before.  There's my thrift store bust and pedestal bowl.  The plate's been tucked into my closet, so it's seeing the light of day for the first time.

The small silver jewelry boxes are mine from my childhood, I still have some high-school treasures.  The top photo is a wrap around ring (do you remember those, often made with spoon handles?) and one from my aunt, I received for either my 18th birthday or graduation.

More high school memorabilia.  Did you have a charm bracelet?  There is a roller coaster car from Cedar Point, OH, and a Dumbo charm from Disney World.  At the far right is a charm with an enclosed mustard seed.  You know, from the verse:  He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matt. 17:20)  The ID bracelet, I believe is from 8th grade.

This is a moving cuckoo clock charm from Frankenmuth, MI.  I really like the worn texture of the silver boxes.

I wanted to include this photo, because it's the first ring my Darling Husband give me.  It's an aquamarine stone--no it's not my birthstone.  I got one of those later, that one's a diamond.

This tablescape was a quick change, we had some young company on Friday night, so our dining room table was covered with plastic tableclothes, paint, glue, glitter, etc. for a Valentine-making night.

For some reason, I like a container of loose candles.  Why do you think that is?

Ha, I just realized, the point of doing this was for my runner, and it hardly shows up in the photos at all!  Well, at least I got my tablescape done just in time to join Marty.


  1. Beautiful tablescape and I LOVE the candles in the glass container ~ wonderful job ~ Happy Valentines Day ;-)

  2. Oh I love it and I love your runner. Your jewelry boxes and the charm bracelet are just fabulous. I love that you've displayed them with your other things, they look fabulous. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. Very pretty. I love seeing all of your treasures from years gone by. I think I'd better dig out my charm bracelet, I know it's somewhere around here! LOL!


  4. Kim, thanks so much for sharing this with us. I love your vintage jewellery. I've got a charm bracelet from those days, too. And a spoon ring. Happy Valentine's Day!


  5. How dreamy and lovely - all of it. I treasure my charm bracelet - maybe I should post about it sometime...

  6. Oh Kim, your whole vignette and the runner is just beautiful. Thanks for bringing back memories. I had an ID and a charm bracket. I need to try and find them now. They're packed somewhere.

    Enjoy your evening,

  7. OK now I need to go find my Charm bracklet ha ha!! I love the bust girl as I have a thing for them..the toile runner is just wonderful my friend..Happy VD to you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. I really enjoyed this post! I have the same rollercoaster car from Cedar Point and a chicken from Frankenmuth on my Charm bracelet.

  9. I just found your blog and I think it's absolutly lovely....i'm fairly new to the whole blogging world but having fun checking out others for inspiration and you've definatly caught my attention so i'm gonna follow along.

    Thanks and hope you have a great week!

  10. Love that toile fabric and the lil rosette cute!

  11. I like this collection together. BTW, I am honored to have you as a follower on my blog. As a token of my gratitude, please pop by for a chance to win a fabulous giveaway!

    Warmly, Michelle

  12. What a sweet and sentimental post. Oh so romantic!

    I love your new header photos Kim...they work so well.

    AND, one day your son will send you something sweet. Sounds like he has two very good role models in you and your dear husband.

    best to you,


  13. Beautiful treasures. I actually like the candles in the container. Now charm bracelet for me...I wish. My great aunt had one and it has disappeared (not from my house) so sad...


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim