Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fabric Fun Thursday No. 27

It seems like I would get "jaded" after awhile and it would be easy to choose feature links - well it's not!  You all have the best ideas and do such nice work, it's always difficult to choose.

Here are some of your great projects from last week:

Sarah from Simply Step Back whipped up this adorable cowl scarf (while she was supposed to be studying, I might add) from an old shirt.

Karly at Jellybean Junkyard made the cutest! sleeves out of socks!  Is her daughter as cute as can be, or what?

My friend, Jan, (Hi, Jan!) from Bobbypins Boardwalk made this very cool wall art using fabric as matting.

The next two ladies are tied, you'll see why I had to include both:

 Abbi from My Garden of Eden submitted these Santa hats.

Cyndy from The Exchange submitted an entire forest.  She has a fantastic tutorial and uses all manner of items for her temporary bases.  Take a peek.  Thanks so much, ladies, for sharing your creativity with us!

Your turn:

Remember, these don't have to be items you've made yourself.  Pretty rooms, great deals, vintage finds that contain fabric all count!

The fine print:

Link up rules.  If you don't abide by the "rules," you will surely get COAL in your stocking this year!

1. Link your post, not your general URL. (Click on the title of your post. Copy and paste from your address bar.)  This is important, I was going to feature someone today, but they didn't link properly, so I didn't want to sift through their last two weeks' of posts!

2. Be polite.  Link to this blog with my FFT button or refer to this event in your post so others can join in the fun. 

3.   Please no direct Etsy or store links.  It's okay if you are showing us how to do  something, then putting it in your store.

4. DO YOU LOVE COMMENTS?  Please try to visit 3 other links and leave a comment.  You'll be glad you did--there are so many talented and friendly people to meet!


  1. Hi Kim, That's fabric tied around the candles -- please tell me that counts! ;)

  2. I forgot to say how much I liked those cone trees. Aren't they smart? I'm going to make them myself!

  3. Kimberly, thank you so much for the feature. It is so exciting to me. I did some more fabric crafts this past week -- a bit of sewing and a bit of crocheting in one. Your party is so much fun I make it a point to do something with fabric each week!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my fabric cone trees! I loved all the projects you featured and I look forward to see what chrafty chicas come up with this week!
    Thank you again!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim