Friday, November 26, 2010

Glitter Letters

Look what Miss Mustard Seed started!  Have you all watched her "how to?".  I'll blushingly (and reluctantly) admit that these are the ones that were purchased with the glitter already on.  Sorry this isn't the best photo, but I liked "Merry Me."

I did take a look at the glass glitter on line, but I wanted instant gratification.  Plus, I was plagued by indecision.  Would classic silver look best?  What about all of the gold in my house?  The bright green looked pretty awesome, too...

Warning:  This post contains lots of photos. 
(OK, that looks like m&m's, just sayin'.)

We had a lot of fun with them anyway.  Fun-sized Chick and I played with these on and off for a couple of days.  (We're not love-starved here, promise!)  Another "Warning!" They are addictive.

We used my silver spray-painted trays from way back, boy these things just keep showing up on a lot of posts, definitely a project worth doing.

My favorite!  Of course, my junk finial project is in on the photo session.

When I first started with the letters, I used a refrigerator magnet that was an old thin school calendar.  When that ran out, I purchased a roll of magnetic tape.

My suggestion would be if you are going to do this, hold out for the roll of magnetic tape.  It holds much better.  My thin ones don't slip, they just don't have as strong a hold.

If you are trying to decide whether you should make these or not, the answer should definitely be:


Wishing you...

this holiday season.

504 MainFunky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. I loved reading this post! THe "look what MMS started" written on the tray made be LOL. It doesn't matter if you bought them pre-glittered. They look wonderful!

  2. Your trays look fabulous! I knew there was a good reason to always be picking up those trays! Thanks for the inspiration!I am an instant gratification girl too, no shame in that!!

  3. Ohhhhh these are so delightful!!! Such a fabulous idea...I only wish I had thought of it! LOL....Love it!

  4. These are so cute! What fun! I'm like you, I think I would use the ready mades too! I think my youngest would LOVE to do this!
    Hate to admit I saw "M&M's" too and it went over my head 'till I saw MMS's comment! Duh!

  5. wow,i thought those were plates, and they are not.Those old trays look great like that and you see so many at the salvation army stores. Maybe food safe paint too. And Fantastic with the letters. Guess I need to follow some links back.

  6. I love these!!! I am going to have to give these a try, what a great gift idea too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Very cute! I had a pack of these in my hands at Michaels, and a 40% off coupon but couldn't decide what to do with them. Great idea.

  8. Hey there! I'm a new follower from Tickled Pink! I hope you get a chance to stop by & visit!

  9. The glitter letters are the best-love the plates-sooo creative!!

  10. What a fun project! Of course, I love anything with glitter:) This would make such a great gift, without blowing the budget! Have a great weekend!

  11. Fun and super cute! Who cares if they were bought with or without glitter...they look great!


  12. I LOVE glitter letters. My friend has been making them for years and I have never tackled my own, but this year for sure! Your trays look fun and fabulous.

  13. Great words and I love the plates for displaying the letters.

    So classy and fun Kim!

    Everyone could use some glitter letters, that's for sure.


  14. Great post! Now I have to make a run to the nearest goodwill! LOL Thanks for sharing!

  15. Kim oh my goodness they are simply beautiful! :)

  16. I had to go over to MMS and see her video too but I think you've got it right buying them already glittered -- they're just so cute!

  17. Lovin' this! I will be in on this verrrrry soon!

  18. I love them! I have seen MMS's tutorial and hers are beautiful... but I really like what you've done too, looks like you had fun playing with them! LOL! I have some silver ones I'm going to have to get out!


  19. How fun, will have to give this a try!

  20. These look great and lots of fun, I can see why they would be addictive!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim