Monday, March 8, 2010

GIVEAWAY! Basket Dayz No. 2

GIVEAWAY!   You will get the Longaberger® basket, fabric liner, and plastic protector.  To enter the giveaway:  (Through March 23)
1)  Leave a comment on this post.  1 entry
2)  Become a Facebook fan or Networked blog - 1 entry (Let me know with a separate comment on this post.)
3)  Link up to Basket Dayz - 2 entries for each time you link up this month.
4)  Do a post on this giveaway, or put it in your sidebar - 2 entries  (Let me know with a separate comment on this post.)

Hey!  It's Basket Dayz No. 2 - What's in your basket?  Just so you know you don't need to have cutesy-tootsey baskets to link up, I thought I'd show you my laundry basket!

This is one neat-nick thing I picked up from my mother.  She insisted on having precise- looking linen closets when you opened them.  This is how I start with my clean towels... 

First I fold them in half width-wise, then again.

Since my current linen closet is on the narrow side, I then fold the towels in thirds.  When I'm done I get an orderly stack of towels to load into the closet.

So does it look a little, um, fastidious?  Why, yes, all of my closets and cupboards look like this!  Pffft!

Thank you to the ladies who linked up last week:



Sign up rules:

            1.  Add the link to your exact post, not your general blog address.
            2.  Please add my button, or a link back to this blog.
If I set everything up right, MckLinky will open at 10p Eastern and close 3/10 at 11p.


  1. comment...i have actually started rolling my towels when storing. but i needed more space. yours look prettier.

  2. Love longaberger baskets! Your closet is so neat!

  3. I love Longaberger baskets - this is a really cute one!

  4. Woo hoo !! Congrats on winning the Mustard Seed giveaway!!
    You know I am a huge longaberger fan!!

  5. A devoted follower! =) And I love baskets!

  6. I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. A Facebook follower am I :)

    Your baskets are lovely.


  8. I'll have to take pictures of all the baskets I have hanging in my studio. I use them to corral stuffed bears and small artificial flowers. Please sign me up for your giveaway.


  9. I became a fan (Marilyn).


  10. I posted the giveaway to the sidebar of my blog.


  11. LOL. I'm pretty anal retentive when it comes to my closets, especially towel folding. I actually hate when the hubby "tries" to help by doing laundry because they have to be folded like you fold yours!

    Stopping by from Sits.

  12. What a fun party. I'll have to see what I can come up with.

  13. I fold towels the same way - my family thinks I'm crazy.

  14. Awhh! Thanks for featuring my lil project last week! I am afraid the only basket I could post this week would be a picture of one going into a moving box! Hopefully I will be back next week with a new one if I can get unpacked in time!

  15. Hi Kim
    I have your giveaway on my sidebar!!

  16. I love the folding technique, please pput my name in the hat, and thanks for sharing

  17. Adorable basket, I would be honored to have my name added for a chance to win!!

  18. Good Morning Sweetie...
    I am your newest follower. Oh my gosh I adore this longaberger basket. I have never owned one. I would love it. Please enter me into your giveaway.

    Your closet looks so nice and neat. I too, tri-fold my towels, and end up redoing the ones that DH does. He just gives up most of the time. It just gives me more room if they are tri-folded like such. I even reorganzied my Moma's when I was home last. Drove her crazy and she is back to double folding now that I am gone. I tried.

    Such a beautiful blog home sweetie. Please stop by and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well. I love new friends. Country hugs...Sherry

  19. Your linen closet is to die for!

    Love the giveaway item - Longaberger baskets are the best. I've got a small collection and would love to add to it!

  20. This is only my second time to be on your page but I am LOVING it! I will be back for more!
    ~Bridgette {allthingzrelated}

  21. I became a fan on Facebook!!!
    ~Bridgette {allthingzrelated}

  22. I posted about your giveaway in my side bar!!!
    ~Bridgette {allthingzrelated}

  23. I coming to the basket party next 2 weeks. Hang in there. I can't wait to share my baskets!:)

  24. Basket giveaway on my sidebar too!
    : )

  25. Please put my name in the basket for this great giveaway. Hopefully, my name will be on the basket when you pick a winning name. Thanks for letting us play along.

  26. Love the baskets. I'm a follower too! Thanks for stopping by REB and entering mine!


  27. I just discovered your blog - love all your Longaberger!

  28. Great basket ideas - I love Longaberger baskets! I, too, have to fold my towels a certain way to fit each closet. Love your blog!!

  29. AWESOME giveaway! I'm excited about it. This is such a great link up idea too. I LOVE using baskets for home organization and am interested in seeing the way others use baskets!

  30. I'm a new facebook fan for entry #2 :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim