Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Make a New Year's Candy Tower!

This project all started here:

A generous mom from Fun-Size Chick's class made this super duper candy tower for the class to share at Halloween time.  Fun Size insisted that we get a picture of it, because she wanted to make one at home!

Instead of the class-sized one, we opted for an individual candy tower.  I found styrofoam supplies at the dollar store (I ended up buying three packs each for two of my girls.)  The styrofoam is just a down payment to all the of the candy you'll be buying! ~ Smile! ~

We used toothpicks to fasten the stryrofoam pieces and a low-temp glue gun to apply all the yumminess.  (For littler ones, a craft glue should work fine.)


I wasn't sure exactly when I was going to let the girls (Artsy Chick got in on the candy action!) actually eat them.  Then one of the girls dubbed them New Year's Candy Towers.  The name has stuck at our house.  I couldn't resist and purchased the toppers that look like fireworks.

Obviously these could be made for any occasion.  We could have purchased all red and green wrapper candy, coming up -- and I hate to say this, but I've already seen it (eek!) pink and red {heart} day candy.

I could see this as an alternative birthday party cake, too!  

Happy New Year!

Edited to add, linking to on 10/3/10

Lamb Around


  1. They are so fun! That's a terrific idea for my little kids' birthday parties - let them tear into it like a pinata! Cute!

  2. What an awesome idea! It looks so fun too! Love how you topped it. :)

  3. Awesome idea! Oh the bees are just buzzin' on the many ways I could use this idea! Thank you!

  4. Ohmy gosh, I love it! My boys would love it too!

  5. What a cute idea...thanks soooo much for sharing it! Merry Christmas to you and your family1


  6. That is some kind of cool! My kids would love that. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by to leave nice comments. Christmas blessings to you and yours!

  7. What a cute idea!! I love that! I always think there are way more things we can do to make some of the not so big holidays even more special. I might just have to make this!! Thanks so much for sharing and for visiting my blog. You have cute ideas...I will be back!! :)

  8. What a cute project and so fun for kids!

  9. So cute. I love the idea of a New Years candy tower, but it would be great for a kids party too. Thanks for sharing it and thanks for the visit. Have a Merry Christmas!

  10. What a cute idea! My kids would have that torn apart! ;) Happy Holidays!

  11. This is a great idea! I featured it at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com What a fun, sugary way to bring in the new year:)

  12. what a great idea..i am looking for something to adorn my new year's table...this just might do the trick!
    Stopping by from SITS

  13. Kim, will you please email me at somedaycrafts@gmail.com I have tried to email you twice and my email keeps getting returned. Thanks. Michelle

  14. Oh what a great idea! Made tons of gingerbread houses with our left over Halloween candy, but this would be even better. Thanks for the idea.


  15. What a cute idea! I have seen diaper cakes but never candy towers. My children would LOVE making these.

  16. So cool, this would look great in my kitchen. I can't wait to try it. THANKS FOR SHARING AND HPPY NEW YEAR

  17. Very cute! Wouldn't last long in our house. lol. :)

  18. This is such a great idea and so pretty! My sister's 29th birthday is Thursday...this will be great!

  19. All it took was the candy tower and you had me, girl. You know -- I've looked for your blog before, but this is the first time I've found it. I really love it!

  20. Adorable idea. I could see usuing them for almost any holiday. Great fun.

    - The Tablescaper

  21. Very Cute idea! Looks so yummy!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Hi! I found your site from Tatortots and Jello ... and noticed the young lady in your photo is wearing a Litha Springs shirt ... I am in Valrico :)
    I love making candy decorations tooooooooo!

  24. I know it's not New Years, but what better time for this than Halloween (really, though, isn't any time a great time for a tower of candy!)

    If you get a chance, I'd love for you to link to this on Not "Baaad" Sundays with LambAround :)

  25. Hi there! I am your newest follower!!! I found you on the Sunday linky!! I love finding new blogs and your is lovely:)
    You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com

    LOVE this candy tower

  26. 'what a fun idea! Maybe the candy would last longer here....naw probably not.

  27. Hi Kim, I hope it is ok, I linked this page to ND Kitchen's face book page. Such a fun idea!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I do my best to pay a return visit. ~Kim